Friday, March 14, 2008

New Arrivals

Yay! My belongings have finally arrived!

The movers were two men with a distinctly informal style; they loudly complained when asked to bring the boxes up stairs. Not that I necessarily blame them, mind you. A large portion of my possessions are books, scads and scads of books, and while they are fun to read they are no fun to carry. Particularly when they come in cumbersome boxes. However I think it's more than a tad unprofessional to gripe so plaintively in front of a client.

I offered glasses of water but the older of the two launched into a rather amusing repudiation of all things H2O. He claimed to never touch "the stuff", saying that's what keeps him looking forever twenty-four at age thirty-seven. He and his partner also took the time to point out a wild rabbit in a bush, declaring it, "good eating". Needless to say I was a bit nonplussed -- as were they when I admitted to never having indulged in hare cuisine. I guess I'm missing out?

Aside from that drama everything appears to be all right but the theory will require further investigation to prove. Now I'm just waiting on my car. ^^

1 comment:

Teh D said...

Of course, the secret to a long, youthful-looking life is to avoid water and eat rabbit! Rather eccentric movers you had there.

Knowing you, I imagine your books were enough to cause severe back strain; it's pure luck that noone had a heart attack. And a car? Glad that you finally got around to getting that driver's license!