Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ob-Ses-Si-On! And Queen.

Asian flicks! I love Asian flicks!! For the longest time I watched only Chinese films: kung-fu, romance, drama... you name the genre, I watched it. A few years ago I branched out from Chinese /Hong Kong films and "discovered" the S. Korean film industry. They are now my new favorite int'l film industry. They are just so good, so full of humor and melodrama. Boy, do they love their weepers! Bonus? They are FILLED to the brim with hotties!!!! I mean, it is ridiculous how cute those men are! Gah!

I recently watched My Tutor Friend -- a delightful S. Korean rom-com I highly recommend -- and the main male lead... gah, too gorgeous. ...... I watch for more than just the eye candy, I swear. ^^

Then there's... Queen.
Queen, the rock band.
Songs like Princes of the Universe...Forever...
The entire A side (or is it B side?) of the album,
A Kind of Magic,
is brilliant, timeless.

Queen never grows old.

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