Let's talk BS, shall we? Let's talk about the insane woman who allegedly had the letter 'B' carved into her cheek during a robbery at an ATM. Hey, guess what, America! Turns out SHE MADE IT UP!!! She made the whole g-damn thing up! Thank goodness, the Pittsburgh police got the truth out of her after several story inconsistencies/changes and a lie detector test.
When I first heard the original tall tale (as it turns out), I was horrified. I wondered aloud, who would do something that sick? That counter-productive? Rob, then beat a woman because her political viewpoints don't coincide with your own? What a jackass, I thought, what a disgrace; I hope they find him, I said. I also remember thinking the only thing that would make that story even more crazy and disgusting was if she had made it up. But no one would do that, no one would CARVE THEIR OWN FACE UP to cast aspersions on the opposing political party. That's nuts! And unfair -- just because these are heated political times in America does not give me the right to doubt her story. I even felt ashamed the thought had crossed my mind. Unbelievable.
That's some real psycho sh*t, some real 'Single White Female' sh*t (check out the movie of the same title sometime). I mean... WTF! Just WTF! What if some poor Black kid who happened to fit her oh-so vague dark-skinned man description (where have I heard that before?) had been assaulted in some sort of revenge scheme for her "attack"?! What the hell was she thinking?! Crazy McCain Supporter! In some ways I feel bad for McCain -- although she is a local campaign volunteer, she in no way speaks for him, but that is still a whole helping of 'crazy' he didn't need.
I'm just so mad, I can't even think straight.
No music today, just rage.
I admit, I believed her at first. I'm gullible like that; the idea that a "crime victim" would lie was so absurd that it never crossed my mind until it turned out to be the case. Once all the facts came out I felt kind of dumb (like, duh, backwards 'B').
I've heard a few internet wackos claim that she's an Obama supporter trying to make the other side look bad, sigh.
Just over a week - yes, we can!
Holy shit, we did it! These tears are tears of joy tonight.
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