Friday, April 3, 2009

not exactly (ag'smg) but an observation

I don't know how late I am to this but I just watched Ciara's "Love Sex Magic" video, featuring Justin Timberlake. I consider it one of her better songs since I could hardly stand her previous undertakings and this one... well, I don't precisely like it but I don't hate it either. I can see how it could grow on me if it were ever on heavy rotation and I was unable to shut the audio device off. Do I damn with faint praise? ^^

The Ciara I remember (I haven't followed her career) has always been a super-sexed up, synthesized version of hip-hop R&B; I think that version is epic-fail, however, that's just me. What I hear in "Love Sex Magic" is still super-sexed and synthesized but it's closer to R&B-inflected pop than hip-hop. That may be a good thing, the best thing for her. Then it struck me: she's a modern-day upgrade of Janet Jackson at her most Miss Nasty-est! Except without half the charisma or charm. I swear it wasn't just the Justin Timberlake sighting! She really seems to represent -- purposefully? -- a 21st Century Janet. Thinking back on it, her earlier work might have had a bit of that vibe in its undercurrent -- again without half the charm.

I'm probably really behind the times in recognizing this, or really off-my-rocker for writing it. Either/or those are my cents for what they're worth!

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