Wednesday, April 15, 2009


From my fortress home I see
our neighbor's tree,
its thousand palms clapping in the breeze.


MixedBlood said...

This leaves me with an unfinished feeling... like all I see is the tree and sitting at window...

sG said...

Brandon! It's an observation. Of the view from my window. I fooled you into thinking it was a poem, hahaha!

sG said...

Maybe I shouldn't have listed it as poetry but it's my blog and I do what I want, haha.

MixedBlood said...

Yeah it was a poem to me lol. I should have realized reading everything you have a poetic slant to your writing, but I swears it looked like one!! *hugs*

sG said...

I had to laugh when I realized I had labeled it as poetry when really I never intended to be or thought of it as such.

It does rhyme. I thought about de-rhyming(?) it but that's how the observation came to me so I didn't change it.