Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So they want Napolitano to resign...

Are these people stupid?! So, when the next such report comes out warning about KKK members and Neo-Nazis should they call for the resignation of a state official??? Plus you can only be insulted if you consider yourself an extremist or a terrorist bent on a radicalized or terrorizing action. Are these House members really admitting en masse that they are part and parcel of a violent threat to these United States? Really?

I hate how they are politicizing a report that is for serious nationwide law enforcement consumption. Such reports provide an important heads-up for law enforcement, keeping them abreast of trends to watch out for. It's this kind of stuff that helps to prevent a Timothy McVeigh or, god help us all, a 9-11. If someone is stockpiling weapons and ammo you can bet it is not because they want to throw the neighborhood a party! To trivialize something like that is ridiculous and dangerous and wrong. Besides I can recall instances over the years of radical environmentalist or animal rights groups on such reports. Where was their hue and cry then? It's just sickening.

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