Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Girl's 4 Star Review

[pic source:]

I have mentioned Florence + The Machine on this blog before, specifically the song, 'Dog Days Are Over'. Her album, 'Lungs', has been hotly anticipated in Britain (from which she hails) and by those lucky enough to be in-the-know here in the States. If you have listened to any of the three singles ('Dog Days...', 'My Boy Builds Coffins' and 'Drumming Song') dropped since its release (July 6, 2009), then you understand why this is. Passionate and evocative her music grabs your guts by way of your ears and shakes you until you capitulate. To what I don't know. The beauty of a bashing female voice, perhaps? No trembling juvenile vocals here, ladies and gentlemen, oh no! Hers is a vocal expression ripened to fruition. They don't make 'em like this anymore.

For a mini-sampling of the album check out Florence + The Machine's MySpace page. For background information check out Florence + The Machine's wiki page. The album may be purchased on iTunes, Rhapsody and (I'm sure) Amazon.

Now, onto the song by song review! I'm keeping it simple, just stars --

* being crap
* * being 'eh'
* * * being 'good'

* * * *
being 'hell yeah!'
* * * * *
being fan-friggin'-tastic

-- to indicate which I like best and perhaps a word or two on the extra special ones. I'm also providing links to my favorite songs in case you don't wish to got to MySpace. Plus I also get to backdoor some pretty cool music blogs, ha! Here we go:

* * * * Dog Days Are Over pagan and gorgeous.
* * * * Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) pagan gorgeousness.
* * * I’m Not Calling You A Liar
** * * Howl I had to come back to this song and mark it up! Love it!
* * Kiss With A Fist
* * Girl With One Eye
* * * * Drumming Song gut-grabber!
* * * Between Two Lungs
* * * * Cosmic Love transportive!
* * My Boy Builds Coffins
* * * Hurricane Drunk
* * * Blinding
* * * * You’ve Got The Love a celebration of a song! Warning: link leads to a live version.

I just had to put the video of 'Drumming Song' on my blog, I just had to! Say, "Hello Florence!"

Florence + The Machine - Drumming Song

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