Just writing this blog post has introduced me to a new music site, thesixtyone.
The content seems just left of mainstream therefore many opportunities for new aural adventures.
The site compiles a song list based on the song being listened to and auto-plays it for your enjoyment.
So far I am loving it!

'You Are Goodbye'
Holly Conlan
A gem of a song which has been in my possession for about a year now.
One of those iTunes's freebies picked up on the strength of the initial few bars
before promptly setting aside without a thorough listen.
(which reminds me to check iTunes freebies)
A recent computer purge brought this song to delightful light.
Sometimes a person can only open to a song when their mind is in a specific place.
This is my experience at least.
To hear the song in full click on the "hidden" link ---> artist name and song title
Available on Rhapsody, iTunes

'What Goes Around... Comes Around'
Justin Timberlake
This song popped full bore into my head with an incessant pound,
refusing to let up until it was placed in rotation.
To hear the full song click on the "hidden" link ---> the artist name and song title
Available on Rhapsody, iTunes, Amazon

'Addicted to me'
I happily recommend her album.
It's nothing serious: just danceable beats and caressing lyrics.
A very pretty listen.
To hear the song in full, click the "hidden" link ---> artist name and song title
Available on Rhapsody, iTunes and Amazon
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