Cyber-wandering YouTube to find Omiya stirred me up a bit and I'm currently playing my YT musical playlist. Quite a few gems housed there if I do write so myself. *wink* So I decided to share:
Well, I already wrote about (and shared) Omiya, next up -- Ghost, as covered by Greg Laswell.
I had never heard of the dude but I just about love his voice and love his version of the song. Indeed I searched out the original (sung, written? by Kristin Hersh) and while it is attractive in its own light it doesn't hold a candle to his cover.
Lahlumlenze is joy; I don't know how else to describe it.
When it plays I have to move, just dance. The singer, Thandiswa, has a gorgeous voice, I mean, don't you just love her style? And (shallow note) I absolutely love her hair!
Okay, now this song is just funny.
I love Thandiswa! I get the same feeling too.
I looked up a few more of her songs but it's slim pickings on YT. :( I managed to get my hands on her album though and it's really good. My dad took it with him to Liberia.
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