Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Football! Tennis! Perfection! Sports News!

Whoohoo, Giants!!!! Keep it up! Keep it up! Keep it up!!!

A more tepid 'whoohoo' for the Cowboys, whom I also love. I know, same division -- don't care! ^^ I just -- sigh, I have a problem with Romo. He rubs me the wrong way; I don't know why. And no, it has nothing to do with Jessica Simpson. In fact, I think she got a bum rap on the whole 'jinx controversy'. I just don't like him.

Nadal, my lovely, this is late in coming but congratulations on all your success this year, it is much deserved. *kisses*

What am I listening to now? Lupe. I have fallen in love with 'The Cool'.
Streets Are On Fire, y'all!


Liz said...

Have you still been blogging here? Do they have some way of notifying people when you post. I like reading you're stuff!!! I don't like that I've been missing out. Hmph!!!-Liz

sG said...

Yeah, girl, I've been blogging occasionally. I don't think there's a way to noti... I actually there might be. I think it involves e-mailing the post.